Tamken Recycling

Sewage Treatment


Our state-of-the-art plant processes sewage to remove harmful contaminants, allowing the treated water to be safely reused or returned to nature. With a focus on sustainability, we contribute to Oman’s efforts to manage water responsibly and reduce the environmental impact of sewage disposal.


A Sustainable Solution for Waste Water Management


Eco-Friendly Waste Water Solution

Tamken Recycling’s Sewage Treatment Plant offers an advanced and eco-friendly solution to manage and treat wastewater efficiently. In a world where water scarcity and pollution are increasing concerns, responsible wastewater treatment is essential to protecting the environment and conserving resources.

Our Process

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Collection and Screening

The first step is screening, where large debris such as plastics, paper, and other solid materials are removed to prevent damage to the treatment equipment.

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3 StageTreatment

The sorted plastics are shredded into smaller pieces and thoroughly cleaned to remove contaminants like dirt, labels, and residues. This ensures the purity of the recycled materials.

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Sludge Treatment and Disposal

The cleaned plastic fragments are melted down and reformed into pellets, which can be used as raw materials for new plastic products. This process minimizes waste and maximizes the value extracted from discarded plastics.

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Water Reuse or Discharge

Each batch of recycled plastic undergoes rigorous quality checks to ensure it meets industry standards and can be used in various applications, including manufacturing, packaging, and construction

Applications of Treated Water



Treated wastewater can be reused in irrigation, providing a sustainable water source for farming and landscaping.

Industrial Use

Many industries can utilize treated water for cooling, cleaning, and other non-potable applications.

Aquifer Recharge

In areas with water shortages, treated water can be used to recharge aquifers, helping to replenish groundwater supplies.